The Department of Wood Technology is a traditional woodworking department, focusing on wood processing technology, research and development of new wood-based materials and products.
Well-trained experts
The Department prepares specialists for the wood industry, who are mainly employed as technologists, timber and timber-based products traders, designers of wooden buildings and furniture.
Staff of the Department of Wood Technology
The staff of the Department provides teaching and research activities in the field of Wood Sawing Technologies, Wood Drying and Wood Hydrothermal Treatment, Wood Composite Materials and Wood Protection, and Modification.
You become a technology specialist
Wood technology specialists are in great demand not only in Slovakia but also throughout Europe.
Study Possibilities
The Department participates in the education of the specialists in the study programmes within the study branch of Wood Sciences and Technology, Technology of Wood Processing and Construction, and Processes of Wood Products Production.
The profile subjects of the department are Technology of the Primary Wood-processing, Wood Composite
Materials, Wood Protection, Sawing Technology and Processes, Wood Drying and Hydrothermal Treatment of Wood and Wood Modification.
Katedra drevárskych technológiíDrevárska fakulta
Technická univerzita vo Zvolene
T. G. Masaryka 24
960 01 Zvolen
+421 45 5206 374
Head of the Department

+421 455 206 373